


Setting a new university vision began in the fall of 2018 when UNC President Andy Feinstein delivered his first 国情咨文. 在他的讲话中,他 这是1910届毕业生的校训,划船,不要漂流,” referencing the quote etched in the column of the 霍勒斯·曼·盖茨 along 10th 大道.

Since that time, the university 社区 has come together to develop and refine the strategic plan and key actions in order to create a shared purpose and direction 在接下来的十年里. 的 collaborative nature of the work over the past three years has instilled a sense of unity, pride, and commitment toward our goals.



President Andy Feinstein speaks with students about the university's 战略计划 2019年10月在市政厅举行的一次会议上.



  • 383 participants provided survey feedback regarding the 视觉元素s
  • 在一次市政厅会议上收集了123张反馈表



  • Fall 2018 task forces included more than 170 participants
  • 101年预算会议约有800人参加


UNC sets the standard and models innovative strategies focused on the holistic growth, development, and lifelong success of our students — this is how we define a Students 第一个大学. 划船,不要漂流 guides our direction and aspirations for the next decade of serving students and 我们的社区.
-迪克Monfort涉嫌 ' 76,皇冠app官方版下载董事会主席


  • Five key action task forces formed to include more than 55 participants comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff
  • Board of Trustees reviews draft of key actions and tactics
  • University 社区 participates in University Forum
  • Online survey regarding key actions and tactics sent to faculty, staff, and students
  • Finalized strategic planning document after compiling feedback from Board of Trustees, 大学社区、校友和朋友们


划船,不要漂流 was developed following an extensive, collaborative process with university stakeholders. 从那时起,UNC开发了 大学的愿景 composed of the vision statement, five 视觉元素s, and the 2030 outcomes that 将在未来十年为该机构服务吗. 第一阶段及其支持性关键行动 and tactics were endorsed by the UNC Board of Trustees in February 2021 and is now 正在实施.


  • 范斯坦总统宣布成立 总统领导委员会
  • 国情咨文 有请1910届的校训 “划船,不要漂流”
  • Formation of task forces to assess UNC’s academic portfolio, student affairs, and 学生的成功
  • UNC begins developing a new strategic enrollment and 学生的成功 plan
  • President Feinstein and CFO Michelle Quinn host Budget 101 information sessions



  • SESS action teams begin implementing changes to UNC’s enrollment and 学生的成功 操作
  • UNC begins organizational design review to recommend operational efficiencies
  • 总统领导委员会 is charged as the planning steering committee, with President Feinstein and Provost Mark Anderson serving as planning co-chairs


  • 国情咨文 邀请参与规划过程
  • Forums, 会议s, and an online survey collects feedback regarding UNC’s future
  • 的 Social 研究 Lab (SRL) compiles summary of feedback that the President’s 领导 理事会开始起草愿景


  • 大学社区收到 the results from UNC’s organizational design review with recommendations for operational improvements and efficiency
  • 总统领导委员会 completes draft vision and shares document with university 社区
  • Town hall and online survey collects feedback on draft vision
  • 总统领导委员会 receives feedback summary to review and revise the draft vision, five 视觉元素s, and 2030 outcomes in the now titled 划船,不要漂流 愿景文档


  • Planning co-chairs and 总统领导委员会 refine draft vision
  • Board of Trustees and university 社区 receive 最后 draft ahead of November board 会议
  • 董事会批准并采用皇冠app官方版下载的 划船,不要漂流 愿景文档


  • 总统领导委员会 and task forces begin to identify key actions
  • Strategic planning work is paused in March 2020 due to the university shifting strategic 全球大流行病的优先事项和重点


  • 总统领导委员会 redeploys task forces to review 2030 outcomes and determines 需要五个,两年的阶段
  • Task forces refine key actions and identify the supporting tactics for Phase I of 划船,不要漂流
  • 总统领导委员会 presents the key actions, tactics, and Phase I document 在11月的董事会会议上


  • 总统领导委员会 举办虚拟论坛 regarding Phase I key actions and tactics to solicit feedback and answer questions
  • 的 Social 研究 Lab (SRL) conducts survey and compiles feedback, which the President’s 领导 Council uses to revise and further develop Phase I key actions, tactics, 以及战略规划文件
  • 校董会认可 最后 划船,不要漂流 Phase I key actions and tactics at February 会议 for immediate implementation


常见的规划术语有多种定义方式. 我们使用以下定义: 

  • 任务:对联合国军司令部存在原因的持久陈述
  • 指导我们行动的永恒的核心信念 
  • 愿景: 的 foundational guide the brings together the vision statement, 视觉元素s, and 2030 outcomes to set a course for a specific length of time
  • 愿景声明: An aspirational statement of what we want UNC to become 
  • 视觉元素: 的 major building blocks of our vision, each of which describes an institutional 优先级 
  • 2030年的结果: An achievement that will move us toward our vision and is noted as part of each 视觉元素
  • 主要作用: An actionable set of steps within one of the five phases of the strategic plan. 的 key actions support the 愿景声明, Five 视觉元素 and the 2030年的结果.
  • 策略: A specific task that will be implemented as part of a key action.